Mortal Kombat Vs Dc Universe Joker

  1. Mortal Kombat Vs Dc Universe Joker Vs Batman

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe is a launched in 2008 for. Universes, featuring characters from both sides beating the crap out of each other.

The Realm of Mortal Kombat's guide for the game Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. This page focuses on how to play as the character Joker. My E-Mail address is E-Mail me with any questions, comments, or anything at all concerning this FAQ or Mortal Kombat VS. DC Universe This FAQ was started and completed on Thursday, November 13, 2008.

This game stands out from similar by having an actual plot, which is strictly followed in story mode – instead of picking up the characters, you choose a side and play the story with all of them, in order. Both sides' story. It's set up between and, and it's considered a and an respectively. In, upon his defeat at the hands of Superman, tries to escape, using a, but Superman blasts him through the portal. Meanwhile, in another universe, Shao Kahn's invasion on Earthrealm has failed and he's blasted by Raiden's thunder right into the magic portal.

It seems that peace has returned to both worlds. But it doesn't last long. Quickly, heroes, villains, and fighters from one universe gets transported to the other, both world's magic is disturbed, while powerful, irrational rage starts randomly taking over the characters, making them brutally attack anybody they see, even their allies. The game features the following characters:. DC side:,. MK side:,. The reception of this game was somewhat mixed, and marked the end of Midway Games.

Interestingly enough, the franchise is now owned by, which. So, who knows, they may give this series another shot if they feel so inclined. There is also a comic adaptation that introduces both the and how his actions lead to the worlds merging. It has a sheet. By (made by Netherrealm Studios, the same studio responsible for, even featuring Scorpion as a ). Mortal Kombat vs.

DC Universe provides examples of:.: Where are the likes of Johnny Cage, Goro, Robin, or Aquaman? Erased from existence thanks to the universes merging. This was only mentioned in the comic book that accompanied the limited edition of the game.: To the series as the other top comic book publisher's characters butt heads with the other top fighting game franchise of. Also says that the characters were paired up based on their similarities:. Raiden and Superman are the most powerful of the groups, the De facto leaders, and also the Big Goods. Sub-Zero and Batman are the loners.

To strengthen that comparison, look at Sub-Zero during most of the events in the MK series. Especially Deadly Alliance and Deception. He even had his own 'Robin' for a brief time.

Kitana and Wonder Woman are both the warrior princesses of their worlds. Scorpion and The Flash are both motivated by tragic losses. Though in contrast, Scorpion made a literal deal with the devil for power and Flash gained his by accident. Additionally, Scorpion is ruled by vengeance while Flash is selfless. Liu Kang and Green Lantern are the appointed protectors of Earth. Liu being the immortal champion of Mortal Kombat and GL being charged with a sector of the galaxy which includes Earth.

Mortal Kombat Vs Dc Universe Joker Vs Batman

Shang Tsung and Captain Marvel both wield magic. They match perfectly when considering that DC character Black Adam, who shares the same powers as Marvel, requires them to stay young and powerful. Similar to Tsung and his need for souls.

Jax and Lex Luthor are both tech savvy and utilize tech to enhance their strength. They also contrast in that Luthor is a genius and Jax, while certainly not incompetent, is mostly depicted as relying on his brawn. Kano and The Joker are both highly dangerous, unpredictable criminals.

While Kano may not be as psychotic as Joker, both are self-serving, and could easily turn on an ally in an instant. Sonya Blade and Catwoman are different as they don't actually share character traits. Both operate on opposite sides of the law. But for that reason they share a dynamic as Catwoman could simply fill the role of a female Kano. Not murderous, but certainly self-serving and capable of betraying allies for her own purposes. Baraka and Deathstroke, besides wielding blades, are also both mercenaries.

Baraka and his Tarkatan brethren have served practically every Big Bad throughout the series, while Deathstroke often sells his skills to the highest bidder. Shao Kahn and Darkseid are both evil rulers of their worlds and are always attempting to conquer new worlds and expand their territory. The main focus often being Earth. This also applies to most character endings:. After the Universes are separated, Raiden learns that his powers have been affected.

He loses them while under Earthrealm's sun. Quan Chi offers Raiden a glowing rock (Kryptonite) that will restore his power, in exchange for servitude. This makes Raiden the Mortal Kombat Universe's Bizarro Superman. Sub-Zero's ending depicts him operating solo as a force for good.

He watches over a city wearing a new uniform that incorporates a cape. He has essentially become the Mortal Kombat Universe's Batman.

The Lin Kuei however, do not take Sub-Zero's desertion lightly and plan to retaliate. This draws parallels to DC Comics League of Assassins as depicted in.

In Kitana's ending, she and her Edenian Resistance inhabit Shang Tsung's Island, renaming it Argus Island. Essentially becoming the MK universe's Themyscira, with the Edenian Resistance (who appears to be made up mostly of females) becoming the MK Amazons. Inspired by Captain Marvel, the Elder Gods grant Liu Kang their power.

All he would need to do to access them is shout. Jax subjects himself to heavy cybernetic conversion after he was badly injured in the conflict. He becomes the Mortal Kombat Universe Cyborg. Kano becomes truly insane and begins to don face paint, becoming the Mortal Kombat Universe Joker. During the merger, a Green Lantern died, and his ring chose Sonya as a successor. She becomes the Mortal Kombat Universe Green Lantern, though she is not seen wearing the Lantern Corp. Uniform and she does not have access to a battery to recharge the ring.

Bonus points for Sonya sharing a military background with Hal Jordan. Baraka and the Tarkatan's become far more bloodthirsty due to the Kombat Rage. They begin to mark their foreheads with blood and go on to dominate all the realms. This makes them the Mortal Kombat Universe Dominators. Despite being banished to the Phantom Zone, Shao Kahn grew in power and was able to break free, leading every single criminal ever banished who swore loyalty to him.

He would go on to conquer the DC Universe, similar to General Zod. To combat future potential breaches to their Universe, Batman creates the OMAC (Outerworld Monitor and Containment) System. This mirrors the MK story line where Earthrealm formed the OIA (Outerworld Investigation Agency) after This is also a reference to DC Comics OMAC. In Green Lantern's ending, Argus's Pyramid mysteriously appears on a distant planet. This causes Hal and the Corp. To become involved in a battle with the Sinestro Corp. To secure it, much like the plot of.

Lex Luthor would make contact with the MK Universe and form an alliance with Quan Chi. The narration describes their joining as a. The Joker would somehow keep his power gained from the merging of the Universes and use it to take over Gotham City.

He would host his own tournament where combatants must fight to the death, with the winner facing off against The Joker himself. This is essentially the entire plot of Mortal Kombat 1, with Joker as Shang Tsung. After the merger is reversed, Catwoman gains the ability to transform into a black panther at will, allowing her to perform an.

Deathstroke forms his own clan of assassins, outfitted in his own image and with himself as Grand Master. This makes him the DC Universe Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu. In Darkseid's ending, Shang Tsung tries to take advantage of his imprisonment by stealing his soul. Darkseid instead turns the tables and reversed the soul drain and broke free. Now an old man again, Shang Tsung swears allegiance to Darkseid to save his life. Darkseid essentially becomes the new Shao Kahn, with Tsung being in the exact same position as prior to Mortal Kombat 2.

They are even in similar poses as from that game. This also makes Tsung Darkseid's new Desaad.: The game is non-canon to, and Jimmy Palmiotti, the story's co-writer, describes it as an 'ultimate ' DC scenario.: The Joker uses one as part of his fatality.: Mortal Kombat's side appears to take place after at least 3, but is fairly vague otherwise in regards to where it could possibly take place in that series' timeline.:. Johnny Cage, Goro, Robin and Aquaman appear in the prequel comic as some of the disappeared characters. Quan Chi appears across the entire MK part of the Story Mode. He's never seen in the DC part. Quan Chi also mentions that Shinnok will be displeased of Shao Kahn's failure at conquering Earthrealm in the MK chapter 1. Kano mentions to the Flash that he would give Kabal a run for his money.

Ganthet appears in chapter 3 of the DC side. Wonder Woman mentions Martian Manhunter in chapter 4 of the DC side. Fujin and Argus appear in Liu Kang's ending. The latter also appear in Kitana's ending. Sinestro appears in Green Lantern's ending.: The fighters as the fight progresses.: By filling half of the Rage bar, you can break a combo string.: The Rage is an in-universe form of this.: Shao Kahn being trapped in Phantom Zone, at least for those unaware with DCU. Especially compared to Darkseid being chained to a deep section of the Netherealm.: The Story Mode's chapters function like this.


Everyone except for Kano, Baraka, and Kitana on the Mortal Kombat side and Catwoman and Deathstroke on the DC side gets one.: After the destruction of Dark Kahn, both Darkseid and Shao Kahn end up in the opposite universe, where they're rendered, apparently, powerless. That lasts until their respective endings in the Arcade mode, where they're repowered again.: All the characters have been temporarily powered up, so they can beat up warriors like Raiden and Superman.: First, the heroes and villains band together against another Universe. Then everybody joins forces against Dark Kahn. It doesn't end well. Thankfully, Raiden and Superman manage to restore everything to normal.: Despite his presence being an indispensable element in Mortal Kombat 1 and 2, Johnny Cage does not appear or is even referenced.

Even his best friend (Liu Kang), mentor (Raiden), ally (Jax), rival (Kano), and lover (Sonya Blade) seem to have forgotten he even existed.: One of the game's mechanics.: The 'Kombat Rage' is the handwave to explain why the heroes are constantly fighting each other, and it's also an actual gameplay mechanic which allows you to change the flow of a fight. Still unexplained, however, is that the fact that ordinary humans such as Jax or even Joker are capable of killing Superman without the use of magic or Kryptonite.: Deathstroke's first appearance sees him cutting a man's head off in silhouette. The Joker and Deathstroke's gun shot Fatalities were censored into this, despite no gory bits actually happening in the move proper.: One of Superman's Heroic Brutality moves.: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Lex Luthor.: Literal example, as the game's official website labeled Captain Marvel as 'Shazam', and unlike of a game's official website not being accurate, the announcer actually said 'Shazam' when you clicked on Captain Marvel's bio.: Wonder Woman during cutscenes.: The whole premise of the game. Dark Kahn planned to gain power from champions of both worlds fighting each other. Also used by Quan Chi, who manipulated Scorpion and Sub-Zero into fighting each other so the power of their battle would fuse his prison with part of the DC Universe, freeing him.: Compared to the last MK games before it, thanks to the T rating.: Batman and Sub-Zero in the trailer, with the addition of Superman, Wonder Woman, Raiden, and Scorpion on the cover.: US gamers didn't get to see 's full Lethality — shooting someone in the head.: The 'Bio' bonus feature gives you the option of getting a tight close of any part of a character's anatomy that strikes your fancy. Both male and female characters can be viewed this way, but let's be real; the number of players taking time out for a closeup of Catwoman's far outnumbers those seeking a closeup of Luthor's backside.:. Superman and his friends find out that some force is merging their world with another, which is destroying them both.

The merging is causing certain characters to act violent and hostile. Superman and co. Travel to a void between the worlds, with lots of floating rocks.

They run afoul of a team of warriors from the other world, and the thunder god challenges them. Superman and the thunder god battle bitterly until they realize that they've been victims of the rage caused by the merging, and the two of them join forces against the main villain. The villain is defeated, and the two worlds are separated and restored to normal - but a major villain ends up suffering an ironic fate. This is similar to the crossover. In 3, Liu Kang could drop a arcade cabinet on the head of his enemy as his fatality.

This same Fatality is recreated in. Lex Luthor's arcade ending uses the term when he and Quan Chi join forces. His fighting style is a near perfect copy of Sektor's. Deathstroke's ending has him forming a clan of ninjas whose designs mirror several of the ninjas in the MK universe. He also uses a lot of Stryker's attacks. His fatality?

That's how he killed. Kano points out how 's dash attacks and remind him of Kabal. The Flash also has the only Heroic Brutality in the game, as it resembles a UMK3-style Brutality.

's ending has the Armageddon pyramid, and Sinestro tries to take it over. He also fights like Ermac. In 's ending, she carries a dagger very reminiscent of Ashrah's one, Quan Chi's pendant, and a shield which resembles the logo of Deadly Alliance.

's ending is very similar to the beginning of Mortal Kombat 2, where an old Shang Tsung begs for mercy to a big and manly 'lord of darkness'. Shang Tsung essentially becomes Darkseid's new Desaad. 's ending has her earning the power to turn into a cheetah. While this is kind of farfetched, Catwoman could've learned how to perform an 'animality'.: All this mess started because Superman and Raiden had the to blast some crazy gods of evil into portals. Even points this to Supes in the DC side of the story.

(See the Character sheet for this.).: Don't even think of playing the storyline game without spending a lot of time practicing the moves and learning the various commands. If playing the DC side, you begin as The Flash, who is pretty lame in terms of his fighting style. Then, after you switch to Batman, you're faced with a one-sided battle against one of the MK characters who will wipe you out almost instantly if you don't know what you're doing.: Played straight with the, though half of them look pretty damn lethal anyway, if only by the standards of series not named.

One particularly harsh example is Green Lantern's Brutality, entrapping them inside a green sphere then reducing it to the size of a beachball. That has to hurt, ouch. Even the game seems to acknowledge this, since unlike other Heroic Brutalities (but exactly like Fatalities), the opponent isn't moving after it hits.: Part of the reason for the Kombat Rage in MK vs DC.

As the fusion of both worlds and Battle Rage weakens some characters, while empowering others. At least once, when Deathstroke figured out that the Joker could beat Sonya Blade. Deathstroke: ( to Joker) Since when you can beat up anybody?. Once the DC characters realize this is going on, Joker takes advantage by luring Batman into a stand-up fight.

One of the most notable examples is a scene where Superman is attacked by Scorpion; with one kick, the ninja sends Supes soaring several city blocks away, and when he gets up, he still has Scorpion's burning footprint on his chest. He quickly realizes that not only are his powers fluctuating, this other guy is magic, one of the few things that can hurt Superman.: The online mode offers the chance to upgrade your stats with clothes. With some of the worst examples of this trope.

Shang Tsung: ( to Kano) A?

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