The Revenant Rating

Contents. Plot In late 1823, guides Andrew Henry's through.

  1. Movie The Revenant Ratings
  2. The Revenant Ratings
  3. The Revenant Rating

Critic Reviews for The Revenant. August 23, 2018 Rating: 2/5 Full Review 'The Revenant' is a harsh and violent film questioning the validity of life and vengeance during a long-gone era. It's visual eloquence beautifully tells a story of loyalty and love as it pushes the boundaries of morality with brutality. Community Reviews. The Revenant is fascinating story about a man who suffers countless tragedy at the hands of nature and man, and seeks redemption. It’s so compelling because it is based the real life of Hugh Glass. In the afterward, the author Michael Punke explains that many of the moments in his book are in fact fiction. Apr 19, 2016 - Inspired by true events, THE REVENANT is an immersive and visceral. Rating: R (for strong frontier combat and violence including gory.

While he and his half- son, Hawk, are hunting, the company's camp is attacked by an war party seeking to recover their Chief's abducted daughter. Guided by Glass, the survivors travel on foot to, as he believes traveling downriver will make them vulnerable. After docking, the crew stashes the pelts near the shore. While scouting game, Glass is attacked by a and left near death. Trapper John Fitzgerald, fearful of another Arikara attack, argues that the group must Glass and keep moving. Henry agrees, but is unable to pull the trigger; instead, he offers money for someone to stay with Glass and bury him after his death. When the only volunteers are Hawk and the young, Fitzgerald agrees to stay for money, to recoup his losses from the abandoned pelts.

After the others leave, Fitzgerald attempts to smother Glass but is discovered by Hawk. Fitzgerald, concerned that Hawk's loud reaction to him attempting to kill Glass could alert the Arikara, stabs Hawk to death as Glass watches helplessly. The next morning, Fitzgerald convinces Bridger that the Arikara are approaching and they must abandon Glass. After they depart, Fitzgerald admits he lied. When Fitzgerald and Bridger meet Henry at the fort, Fitzgerald tells him that Glass died and Hawk vanished. In spite of his guilt, Bridger is complicit in the lie.

Glass begins an arduous journey through the wilderness. He performs crude self-surgery and eludes the pursuing Arikara who are looking for the Chief Elk Dog's kidnapped daughter, Powaqa. Glass encounters Pawnee refugee Hikuc, who says that 'revenge is in the Creator's hands.'

Movie The Revenant Ratings


The men share bison meat and travel together. After a hallucinogenic experience, Glass discovers Hikuc hanged by French hunters. He infiltrates their camp and sees the leader raping Powaqa.

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He frees her, kills two hunters, and recovers Hikuc's horse, leaving his own canteen behind. The next morning, Glass is ambushed by the Arikara and driven over a cliff on his horse.

The Revenant Rating

He survives the stormy night by the horse and sheltering inside its carcass. A French survivor staggers into Fort Kiowa and Bridger recognizes his canteen as Glass's. Believing it stolen, Henry organizes a search party. Fitzgerald, realizing Glass is alive, empties the outpost's safe and flees. The search party finds the exhausted Glass. Enraged, Henry orders Bridger arrested, but Glass vouches that Bridger was deceived and reveals that Fitzgerald murdered Hawk. Glass and Henry set out in pursuit of Fitzgerald.

The Revenant Ratings

After the two split up, Fitzgerald ambushes, kills and scalps Henry. Glass uses Henry's corpse on his horse as a decoy and shoots Fitzgerald in the arm. He pursues Fitzgerald to a riverbank where they engage in a brutal fight. Glass is about to kill Fitzgerald, but spots a band of Arikara downstream. He remembers Hikuc's words and pushes Fitzgerald downstream into the hands of the Arikara.

The Revenant Rating

Elk Dog kills and scalps Fitzgerald and the Arikara (having found Powaqa) spare Glass. Heavily wounded, Glass retreats into the mountains where he is visited by the spirit of his wife.

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